- Appraisal
As an independent appraisal agency, we provide a wide range of appraisal services in an impartial position.

Real Estate
We are a member of the Japanese Society of Real Estate Appraisers and a registered company with RICS.
From development sites to commercial properties, we provide accurate and reliable appraisal services to help you make your real estate investment a success.
Get a fast, reliable, and accurate appraisal from an experienced licensed professional for even the most complex projects, including office, retail, and residential properties, hotels, industrial and development sites, and solar power and its sites.
Machinery & Equipment
Our professional services related to mechanical equipment assets range from mergers and acquisitions (M&A), joint venture transactions, accounting references, impairment testing, and financing.
Truly knowing the current value of your mechanical equipment assets will help you maintain an accurate real estate asset value on your balance sheet. Contact us for more information.
Business Valuation
Business valuations seek a price that should be negotiated and agreed upon in good faith by the buyer and seller in a merger, acquisition or share buyout scenario. Our service is outstanding for the purchase or sale of a company whose assets are largely comprised of real estate and machinery and equipment.
Our valuation advice can help you understand the issues and make informed business decisions.
Mass Valuation
We are also the leading mass valuation firm for Japan in the use a proprietary tools to assess the value of large plots of land for property taxation.
Each municipality has developed and adopted its own mass assessment method that is tailored to the characteristics of the community, and our professional service to the majority of municipalities supports a smooth taxation process.