
DAIWA is one of the leading appraisal firms in Japan.

Revenue Ranking of Appraisal Firms in Japan

Company's name Revenue (Thousand yen)
2021 2022 2023
Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal 4,503,502 4,626,002 5,383,026
Japan Real Estate Institute 9,156,350 9,687,733 10,861,569
Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal 2,983,364 3,233,486 3,760,112
JLL Morii Valuation & Advisory 1,400,344 1,766,435 2,002,101
MU Real Estate Appraisal 1,953,044 1,843,643 1,812,588
CBRE 1,562,326 1,665,409 1,649,468
SMBC Real Estate Appraisal Services 1,438,092 1,376,740 1,409,033
Sanyu Appraisal Corporation 1,127,162 1,242,329 1,342,605
Company's name Revenue
(Thousand yen)
Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal 5,383,026
Japan Real Estate Institute 10,861,569
Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal 3,760,112
JLL Morii Valuation & Advisory 2,002,101
MU Real Estate Appraisal 1,812,588
CBRE 1,649,468
SMBC Real Estate Appraisal Services 1,409,033
Sanyu Appraisal Corporation 1,342,605
Company's name Revenue
(Thousand yen)
Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal 4,626,002
Japan Real Estate Institute 9,687,733
Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal 3,233,486
JLL Morii Valuation & Advisory 1,766,435
MU Real Estate Appraisal 1,843,643
CBRE 1,665,409
SMBC Real Estate Appraisal Services 1,376,740
Sanyu Appraisal Corporation 1,242,329
Company's name Revenue
(Thousand yen)
Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal 4,503,502
Japan Real Estate Institute 9,156,350
Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal 2,983,364
JLL Morii Valuation & Advisory 1,400,344
MU Real Estate Appraisal 1,953,044
CBRE 1,562,326
SMBC Real Estate Appraisal Services 1,438,092
Sanyu Appraisal Corporation 1,127,162

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Number of Appraised Properties Owned by J-REITs

Company's name Number of Properties
Daiwa Real Estate Appraisal 994
Japan Real Estate Institute 1,415
Tanizawa Sogo Appraisal 879
JLL Morii Valuation & Advisory 417
Japan Valuers 266
Chuo Real Estate Appraisal 197
Others 150

As of March 2024

Number of Appraised Properties Owned by J-REITs, Categorized by Asset Type

Asset type Office Residence Retail Hotel Healthcare Logistics Leased fee
in land
Other assets Grand Total
Number of J-REIT Properties
Appraised by Daiwa
359 416 71 65 30 31 21 1 994
Our Share 34.85% 22.8% 17.4% 19.1% 24.0% 6.2% 14.2% 2.8% 22.5%
Asset type Number of J-REIT Properties
Appraised by Daiwa
Our Share
Office 359 34.85%
Residence 416 22.8%
Retail 71 17.4%
Hotel 65 19.1%
Healthcare 30 24.0%
Logistics 31 6.2%
Leased fee interests in land 21 14.2%
Other assets 1 2.8%
Grand Total 994 22.5%

As of March 2024

Building Survey Performance

By Asset type Office Residence Retail Hotel Healthcare Logistics Factory Other assets Grand Total
Surveyed by Daiwa 1,683 3,858 768 967 275 727 142 342 8,762
Share 19.2% 44.0% 8.8% 11.0% 3.1% 8.3% 1.6% 3.9% 100.0%
By Asset type Surveyed
by Daiwa
Our Share
Office 1,683 19.2%
Residence 3,858 44.0%
Retail 768 8.8%
Hotel 967 11.0%
Healthcare 275 3.1%
Logistics 727 8.3%
Factory 142 1.6%
Other assets 342 3.9%
Grand Total 8,762 100.0%

As of March 2024